
Our expertise and methodologies have been refined over the years through the experience gleaned in our various mandates.

The technical and functional knowledge we have enables us to find the best fitting solution to your need, always keeping in mind your needs and usage. While aiming for cutting-edge technology, we do not recommend over-priced, over-sized or ill-fitting equipment.

Project types

Culturalauditoriums, performance halls, museums, media libraries, libraries, exhibitions, …
Corporatecouncil rooms, conference rooms, videoconferencing rooms, auditoriums, showrooms, …
Educationamphitheaters, multimedia rooms, computer rooms, recording studios, …
HopitalityIPTV, internet, ballroom equipment, …
Sportspublic address for stadiums, digital signage, …

technical expertise

Audiovisual systems and equipmentThrough our engineering and project management services, we are able to cater to all your needs, from PA systems to 3D projection.
Multimedia setupsWe have been studying digital technologies since their introduction to the fields of audio visual, this enables us to recommend reliable cutting-edge solutions to your multimedia needs. Museum and showroom projects have very stringent reliability and performance requirements that we are able to meet. For the missions integrating the conception of the multimedia contents we answer in the name of Relab, GIE that we created with reciproque company specialized in conceptions of multimedia contents with cultural vocation.
Stage equipmentOur engineering expertise enables work on all elements surrounding the stage such as tooling and accessories, mechanical apparatus, lighting, static and collapsible seating arrangements… We are, however, not equipped to provide project management for projects requiring experience in complex stage designs such as opera houses, Italian theater houses...
Digital systemsAssistance on the IT ecosystem required for your project can be provided on projects requiring a high level of integration between audiovisual/multimedia systems and communication tools. This was the case for our project with “La Gaîté lyrique” where we took care of the project management of the following aspects: building management system, telephony, network equipment, servers…
Triple-play infrastructuresOur expertise extends into triple-play cabling infrastructures (or VDI Voice/Data/Image), we provide project management and engineering for projects requiring such infrastructures.

Mission types

Project ManagementProject Management is at the core of our work. We manage complete projects from the first drafts to the reception of the completed work. One of our missions will also be to assist you in the financial estimations.
Assistance to the Contracting AuthorityMandates in Assisting the Contracting Authority are a very important part of our work, they may be simple advisory mandates or require more extensive consulting or project management tasks.
FeasibilityWe can also assist you ahead of project launch or in market studies. For the French Ministry of Industry, we have released a study on audiovisual equipment for institutions and broadcast in France and in the World as well as a study on the economic impact of Lyon on the big conference centres throughout Europe.
RoadmapsFor some of our clients, we are able to assist in defining the road-map of the project. Our project with the Villepinte exhibition centre is one of such projects.
Technical and functional programmingMandates in Assisting the Contracting Authority are a very important part of our work, they may be simple advisory mandates or require more extensive consulting or project management works.
Functional and operational studiesProjects infer operational methodologies as well as maintenance tasks. We assist the Contracting Authority in defining those methodologies in order to include them in a global financial estimation of the project.

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12 bis rue Saint-Maur • 75011 — PARIS • t +33 1 84 16 16 46